
Welcome to Ayurveda!
Ayurvedic Medicine has supported the health of millions of people for centuries. Ayurveda is a health and wellness protocol. Through generations of documented study, Ayurvedic practitioners have observed cause and effect in human health.
A basic premise is that every person is different, so what causes a particular response in one, may not in another. The same foods, environments, stressors and other inputs can cause widely different effects in different people.
However, within groupings, called doshas, and sub-groupings, similarities occur. As a health protocol, much of Ayurvedic Medicine focuses on determining the dominant dosha of each person – a fairly simple technique.
Prevention is the Best Cure
Avoid pungent, bitter and astringent foods, which have a desiccating effect – the opposite of what is needed. Steer clear of processed foods that do not contain any nutrients. Reduce coffee consumption, it is a diuretic. Any sweet tastes should come from natural, whole food; avoid processed sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Good foods include root vegetables, nuts, squash, zucchini, corn, banana, ginger and garlic. Avoid over-consumption of those foods which exacerbate Vata, such as dried fruit, onions, radishes, chilies, soybeans, broccoli and cauliflower.

Treat and Prevent Constipation with These Ayurvedic Herbs
These Ayurvedic herbs have proven effective in flushing out the colon and for improved bowel movement.
Flaxseeds are natural laxatives. You can take them three times a day without side effects. Take one tablespoon with two cups of water.
This herb functions as a laxative and a tonic. It is recommended that triphala be taken upon waking up and before going to bed. Steep one or half a teaspoon of this herb in a cup filled with hot water for five to ten minutes. If you don’t like the taste, take 2 triphala capsules with warm water.
These seed husks are highly absorbent and fibrous, making them a great colon cleaner. Take one or two teaspoons of this herb with warm water daily.

Ayurveda for Healthy Joints
A joint is what connects the two bones together. These joints enable you to bend your elbows and knees. It is also what makes bending and wiggling your hips possible. If something goes wrong with your joints, you will start to have difficulty making certain movements.
Joint problems will vary from one sufferer to another. Some cases of joint problems can cause mild to moderate pain. Others suffer from severe pain so extreme that it becomes an agony for them to move the affected areas of their body.

Optimize Your Digestive System with These Spices
Ayurvedic diet emphasizes the inclusion of spices. Which ones to use, and whether to use them liberally or sparingly in your diet, will depend on your digestive type. Some spices are commonly used in Ayurveda for improving digestive health of all doshas.
Some of these benefits are:
⦁ Improved pancreatic enzyme activity
⦁ Prevent bloating and gas
⦁ Improved metabolism of fats and sugar
⦁ Act as free radical scavengers - antioxidants
⦁ Help maintain healthy weight
⦁ Promote better gut health
⦁ Promote faster elimination of wastes

Ayurveda for Healthy Skin
Ayurveda emphasizes three ways to healthy skin - nourish, cleanse and moisturize. It may seem like a regular SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for a beauty regimen, but the typical western method is not the Ayurveda way!
Instead of using commercial beauty soaps and other skin care products, achieving healthy skin the Ayurveda way is a lot different. Instead of filling your bathroom with skin care products that you bought from the store shelves, check your kitchen. See if you’ve got the right herbs, legumes and flours needed for that Ayurvedic healthy skin without the side effects!
Ayurvedic beauty is not just superficial. You need to cultivate an inner balance for that genuinely beautiful skin inside and out. One way to do this is to first determine your skin type.

Ayurveda for Digestion
Every person’s uniqueness is not only expressed in outward appearance. It can also be felt from deep within. Since each of us varies in bodily chemical composition, the same thing can also be said of our digestive type.
Irregular Digestion (VISHAM AGNI)
This type of digestive system is very unpredictable. There are times when you feel completely satisfied after a meal and you don’t experience any digestive problems. There are also times when after eating you feel so bloated you find it hard to concentrate on your tasks.
Sharp Digestion (TIKSHNA AGNI)
A sharp digestive system is associated with Pitta which is a fire dosha. This increases the tendency to feel irritable if you don’t get to eat on time. Aside from heartburns and hyperacidity, you are also more likely to experience loose stools.
Slow digestion (MANDA AGNI)
It is best to follow the Kapha pacifying diet if you have this kind of digestive system. Eat non-starchy vegetables that are steamed and add different kinds of spices. Stay away from sugar, fried foods and dairy. Since you have a slow digestion, avoid eating large amounts of protein.
Balanced digestion (SAMA AGNI)
People with this kind of digestive system have shiny eyes, radiant skin and are energetic. Maintain this kind of digestive health by following the proper diet recommended for each season.

Ayurveda for Coughs and Colds
Coughs and colds can almost be expected when the Kapha dosha is aggravated. An imbalance of Kapha will result in an excessive production of mucus, with a high chance of it affecting components of the respiratory organs such as the sinuses, throat and nose.
This excess mucus creates an environment ideal for the growth of viruses and bacteria, paving the way for infection. Persistent rainy weather, ingesting cold water and cold food can aggravate Kapha Dosha. Other lifestyle habits that aggravate Kapha are excessive sleeping during daytime, frequent traveling and living in dusty or polluted areas.